Thurs 30 Sept, 6pm-7pm
With Elaine Clark
Jump into characters!
We’re really excited to be hosting this free character talk, live and direct from San Francisco, with actor, director, author, and master voice-over coach Elaine A. Clark, in this fun and informative character VO webinar.
Acting is not just an idea!
The real challenge is taking that idea and putting it in your body so the words lift off the page and come to life as real and believable characters. We’ll explore ways to incorporate specific movements, gestures, stances, and images into character scripts.
We’ll also experiment with ways to quickly bring your character’s personality, situation, and history to life and examine specific types of voice-over character styles and learn how to adjust the performance to fit the genre.
Takeaways and Benefits
Importance of developing characters prior to producing a demo and booking a job
How the actor moves, stands, and gestures impacts the character’s voice, attitude, and given circumstance
Performance differences in video games, animation, anime, and toys
Why trusting your cold reading skills and imagination are essential