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Launching our Autumn / Winter 2023 Season

We’re thrilled to launch our new season of core training, free talks, Masterclasses and more from Autumn / Winter 2023. One thing's for sure - we’ve got a really exciting term ahead.

VO free talks, masterclasses and coaching

1-1 Core Training

If you are serious about wanting to add voice acting to your skillset, you need intensive training and this starts with our core modules: STAGE 1: Narration, STAGE 2: Commercial and STAGE 3: Characters.

Everyone that works with BRAVA starts with a personalised journey at STAGE 1. The first thing to do is to join our Intro to VO free talk with BRAVA founder, Melissa Thom, and she will explain all the things you need to consider before taking that first step into training, as well as talk you through the audition and learning process here at BRAVA.

We are now fully booked for 1-1 Core Modules until January 2023 and booking into our January 2024 term. If you are interested in joining us then for STAGE 1, STAGE 2 or STAGE 3, do please get in touch via the website or drop us a line at

Book onto the free Intro to VO Talk with Melissa here.

To get a taste of what it’s like working with us, have a read of some of our Talent Stories.

Free talks

We have more free Q&As this term with world-leading experts, including voice coach, Carol Fairlamb, who has worked with the likes of Cate Blanchett, Philip Seymour Hoffman & Mark Rylance. Do please come along and glean as much as you can from one of the most respected vocal health coaches in the world.

We’ll also be chatting to the master of master of efforts, monster and creature sounds, Sébastien Croteau, about his Extreme Voicing Sessions. Sébastien is an incredibly seasoned character actor, extreme vocal specialist & Tibetan, Mongolian & Inuit throat singer. Do join us for what is sure to be a fascinating talk.

Masterclasses Vocal Health for Voice Actors - with Carol Fairlamb

4 week course in Nov 2023 | Online

carol fairlamb vocal health class

Image Credit: Craig Fuller

We are so thrilled that Carol Fairlamb will also be running a 4 week Masterclass specifically aimed at voice actors, on how to look after your voice. Carol was Head of Voice at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School for over 11 years has worked with some of the world’s leading actors including Cate Blanchett, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Mark Rylance.

The class will explore your vocal expression and sustainability. We will look at tension, breathing, expression and practical exercises to keep your voice in shape, specifically related to voice acting. We expect this class to sell out quickly.

Thursdays 2, 9, 16 & 23 November 2023, 6-7pm each day.

Extreme Voicing - Efforts, Monsters & Creatures - with Sébastien Croteau

3 week course | Online

sebastien croteau and monsters

Image Credit: Sébastien Croteau

Sébastien will be running his ‘Extreme Voices’ Series of 3 Masterclasses on creating efforts, monster and creature sounds. Sébastien is an incredibly seasoned character actor, extreme vocal specialist & Tibetan, Mongolian & Inuit throat singer and we’re thrilled he’ll be joining us from Montreal, Canada for this.

There will be very limited spaces on this. More info and book here.

Acting: Scene Study & Script Analysis

3 Oct - 12 Dec (9 Weeks)

3hr class, Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm Redland Church Hall, Bristol

acting class at Bristol Old Vic melissa thom

Image Credit: Melissa Thom

We are really excited about launching our Acting Classes with Master Coach, Chris Donnelly.

This term we will run a 9-week class every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 9:30pm at Redland Green Church Hall. This class is designed for any level, from beginners through more seasoned actors, who are interested in honing their work and deepening their craft.

The focus will be on scene work, monologues and duologues, using classical and modern texts from Chekhov & Pinter. We’ll also look at text analysis, stage-craft and scene study. There will be some prep work in between classes.

Spaces are very limited. To book, please email us at

If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about working 1-1 on our core modules, please drop us a line at

We look forward to working with you all this term.

Melissa & Team BRAVA


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