Louise Bullock
Calm, warm, and reassuring
Born in Rochdale, Lancashire, with a natural Northern accent, Louise is an experienced singer, performer and voice actor.
She is also a qualified special needs teacher, with extensive experience in working in speech and language therapy for children, which makes her deliveries friendly, down to earth and approachable.
Louise has sung with various choirs and with the pop group, Take That, at Ashton Court Stadium, Bristol.
Northern British, RP, General American
Calm, warm, reassuring, wise, friendly, authentic, down to earth, approachable
Voice Acting - Bristol Academy of Voice Acting (BRAVA), Bristol
Singing - NGM Music College, Bristol
Primary Teaching with English BA (Hons)
Audio Samples
To book Louise, contact info@brava.uk.com or fill in our casting database form. Or drop her a line direct via email: louisebvocals@gmail.com.