Osama Salam
A clear, calm and concise sound - perfect for corporate narration.
Osama has a sound background in science and extensive experience managing extremely complex projects for the MoD, making him the perfect choice for corporate narration and highly technical and scientific reads.
Osama has considerable acting and directing experience. He ran the Bath University Student Theatre Events Association and has directed a number of professional productions, including 1984, Urinetown , And Then There Were None and ‘Party’ at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2022.
Osama comes from a long line of scientific minds - his grandfather, Abdus Salam, was awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1979 - and he has clearly followed in his footsteps, with a Masters degree in Chemistry, a trained science teacher and a highly experienced project manager. With Jewish, Islamic and American roots, Osama was raised an Ahmadi Muslim. He is a prolific gamer and loves delivering character voices.
British RP, British Hindi/Urdu, General American, Eastern European, Irish/Northern Irish, Australian, South African, Regional England (Yorkshire, Somerset, South London), Scottish
Articulate, precise, scientific, authoritative, conversational, knowledgeable
Acting & Directing - University of Bath
Master of Chemistry (MChem), University of Bath
APM Project Management
SC Level Cleared
Audio Samples
To book Osama, contact info@brava.uk.com or fill in our casting database form. Or drop him a line direct via email: osama.salam123@gmail.com